Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I have a wonderful Husband!!

I returned to working last Wednesday and It has been hard at times and it makes it even harder when our little girl does not want to sleep at night! I found my self sleeping on the couch and her in her rocker all night! I was not getting very good sleep that way! The other night Tyler decided he was going to try and help me get more sleep! Since Tyler does not go to bed before midnight most of the time anyways, and that is about the time she wakes up hungry first in the night. He decided to get her up and feed her and put her back to bed so that I could get the rest I needed for the next day! I took care of the other feedings but It was so nice to be able to sleep for 5 hours and for him to take care of her! I love him and he is such a great help to me and I don't know what I or Ashley ( who really loves her daddy) would do with out him. She has been sleeping really good that last two night and I think it is due to the change in my diet! I hope she keeps it up and continues to get good sleep so that way Tyler and I can also! Tyler has been home with her all day with out me and he has learned that she can be a lot of work but it is so much fun! All you want to do is talk and play with our little one all day. Again I am so thankful for my wonderful Husband.

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