Friday, February 5, 2010

5 months

Ashley is 5 Months old today! Wow how time has flown.

  • She is rolling over from her back to stomach and from stomach to her back.

  • She always wants to be sitting up and she can sit up by herself for about a min.

  • She can grab a toy and bring it to her!

  • Everything still goes into the mouth.

  • She loves baby food well most of it anyways. She does not like green beans but likes almost everything else we have tried. The green beans we will try again later.

  • She is getting more hair it is just blond so you can't see it so she still looks bald in pictures.

  • As I tried to take milk out of my diet and it didn't last long and I did not see a improvement in her skin. Within weeks after I started drinking milk again her skin started to clear up!!

  • She is still attacking her head. When she is bored or frustrated(when she wakes up in the morning) she stretches her head. She is learning to have socks on her hands all the time!!

  • she is talking all the time. She is into yelling and hearing her voice.

She is so much fun and I have enjoyed her being in our lifes. She really loves her daddy too and Tyler is enjoying be able to be a stay at home dad during the day!!

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