Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Utah/ Christmas stuff/ Jameson 7 months

(Warning long post with lots of pictures)
Well we finally made it to Utah! We got here on Saturday the 1st of Dec and so far we are loving it. We are very sad about the people we left behind like my grandpa who we will miss living close to! We got moved into our new house the day we got here and it was not to cold than. Now a week later it is a lot colder than what we have been used to over the past four years. 60 degrees to 30 degrees in one week!
This first picture is the view of the front of our house. The secound is the backyard area and the amazing view from our backyard. Love the mountains and how close they are to us. Both of these pictures were taken the day we moved in on Dec. 1st.

The next picture was taken this past weekend we only got like 2 inches but to us who have not lived in snow at all for the past four years it was a lot. Ashley loved it and we had to go buy snow clothes for ashley cause she is really wanting to play in the snow. But today the snow melted so she will have to wait until the next snow comes!
Pictures and more pictures and well very random!

One random morning in Mesa before we left for UT!
So glad they get along at least for now!

 Now that we got the boxes unpacked we decided to do some Christmas Crafts! We did reindeer hat and also reindeer made out of her foot and hand print and she loved them. I am hoping to continue and do more crafts and baking with Ashley until Christmas. She is so into Christmas this year for the first time really and it has been so much fun. She loved to see Santa at the mall even though she would not sit on his lap she just wanted to tell him hi a lot.
She is always getting on Jameson and well she loves it and laughs so hard.

Jameson sitting like a big boy and wearing his sister's hat
which made her mad.
I love how this picture shows the love of a sister for her little brother
 even if he looks like he wants to be saved!
  The next two pictures are Ashley in her Christmas Dress which she will be putting on again but I thought they are really cute pictures!
Jameson 7 months old
Well Jameson is now 7 months old as of yesterday! How the time flies when you enjoying life I guess! He is such a joy in our family and we are all in love with this boy.

  • He is still not sitting completely on his own. He gets too excited about wanted to be on the ground that he throws himself back or tries to get to his belly.
  • He is a busy little man. He loved to be going and going and playing with whatever he can find.
  • He has began to try and master to crawl. He gets on all fours and tries and might move forward a little bit but ends up pushing himself backwards. He has found if he really wants something he can roll over to get to it faster after trying to crawl for it.
  • He is still growing and getting bigger. I think he really did not wear 3-6 month old clothes for very long! He was in 0-3 up until 5 months and now he is in 6-9 month clothes!
  • He has two teeth and loved to bite whatever he can put in his mouth and believe me he can bite hard. If you sit with toes too close to his mouth he will bite them or grab your fingers and try and bite those.
  • He is always smiling and loves his sister. He smiles everytime she walks in the room.
  • He is a good eater! He will eat babyfood like crazy and has loved almost everything we have given him. He does not like greenbeans though!!
Over all he is still our happy and easy little boy and we don't know what we would do without him!

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