Wednesday, February 15, 2012

26, 27 weeks

I am now 27 weeks prego and I am glad things are going fast! Only about 13 weeks left! This pregnancy is different then my first! I have little things like getting sick really easy and hip pain that i did not have with Ashley. If I sit too long in a hard chair ( like at church I get bad hip pain and my legs go numb.) Weird so I have to watch when I am sitting not to sit to long. Other in those little things everything is going good. Little man is always moving and kicking like crazy. I have a doctors apt yesterday and while trying to listen to his heart beat his was kicking the moniter away the whole time. I guess he did not like it and no matter where she would put it he would kick it or move it away.
This picture was taken at 26 weeks ( last week). Not the best picture but now that I am in the last trimester I will continue to get bigger and bigger. Only 13 ish weeks and I am glad but still have lots of stuff to get done first so I guess I better get on it.
PS my shadow makes me look really big!

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